The distinguished title ‘Man of God’ is conferred upon Moses not because of his great feats, but rather his designation and unpaired spiritual power were the product of his frequent dialogue face-to-face with God. ~ “So the LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend” (Ex. 33.11). The entire Bible attests to the fact that the power of God is only manifest by those who first know his will and act upon it. ~ “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us” (1John 5.14).
The Golden Table
The golden table inside the Temple is one of only three objects in the Holy place. Each one of these sublime objects reveal sacred hidden truths about entering into the presence of God and all of the benefits that accompany such divine privilege. Moses never spoke face-to-face with God until he first followed the biblically ordained act of sitting at the ‘table’ of communion in the first Passover feast1, which anyone can follow. God is no respecter of persons.2 The key to entering into the presence of God is revealed in The Lord’s Table,3 also called communion in the New Testament.
Lost Mysteries
People today have no sense of God because they don’t read the Bible and have consequently lost all knowledge of God’s long established spiritual laws and norms. The New Testament makes it clear in several places that the Temple and Feasts of Moses are symbolic of eternal spiritual statutes, which are especially incumbent upon New Testament believers. ~ “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1Corinthians 10.11). The mystery of the Lord’s table is revealed by the Golden table in the Temple. Today, most people, or should it be said, most ministers, have no concept of any of these extremely significant spiritual revelations: the temple, communion, the cup of the blood and bread of the body of the Lamb, etc. Hence, the entrance into God’s presence has been long lost and forgotten.
The Bread of the Face (of God)
In addition to representing communion, the gold table represents the value (gold) of communion (table) with God. The golden table is one of only three enigmatic objects in -the holy place of the Temple. Visibly, the only access to the Table of the Lord is in the House (Church) of God and in communion, which is symbolized by the bread of the golden table. ~ “You shall also make a table… And you shall overlay it with pure gold… And you shall set the showbread on the table before Me always” (Exodus 25:23,24,30). Notice, God says, “… the table [is] before Me always.” Also, we see that the Golden Table is located in the very presence of God in the Holy Place in the Temple of God, where absolutely no evil can enter at any time. Notice, that the bread on the table is the bread of Communion, which is also the bread of Passover. The fascinating thing is that the bread is literally called ‘The Bread of the Presence’ or even more literally the word means ‘The bread of the Face’ (Spanish: ‘propiciación’) This word is probably the most erroneously translated word in the Bible. Almost every version of the Bible translates it differently. The best Bibles call it “the bread of the presence.”
What it Means
Only those who are in legitimate communion in a legitimate church stand face-to-face with God. These folks walk in divine healing and power. The Apostle Paul wrote about what happened to Christians in the New Testament when they failed to understand and celebrate communion correctly. ~ “For he who eats and drinks [communion] in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep [dead]” (1Corinthians 11.29-30). The fact that this is written in the New Testament proves that it is not legalism. These are dynamic spiritual laws that have been completely neglected and cast aside by the same crowd that is weak, sick and spiritually dead.
Intimate communion with God
‘The Bread of the Face of God,’ or/and ‘The Bread of the Presence of God’ is defined by Vine’s Dictionary, which is widely considered one of the best, defines the Hebrew word here as this — “bread of the face,” i.e., the presence, referring to the Presence of God” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary). So, what does this mean? What is the bread of the Face that is set on the Golden Table that is always before God in the Holy Place in the Temple of God? Let it be said that, as in the case of any table in any house, the table is the principal place of Communion in the house, which is usually accompanied by food (the bread). What it means is — when Communion is properly understood and put into practice, it will bring the believer directly into the very presence of God, even into the Face of God. It will put him face to face with God Almighty. All of those who desire to truly know God intimately should pay special attention to that which is here written.
Revelation 3.20
Behold, I (Jesus) stand at the door (of the heart), and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
1. Exodus 12
2. Acts 10.34
3. 1Corinthians 10.21
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