This week...

"Entering into the Plenitude of God"
The Narrow Door ― throughout the 6000 years of recorded human history, peoples of all nations, races, and tongues, have searched for God. The result of this is what is called religion. According to research statistics, there are currently over 10,000 distinct religious philosophies in the Earth, and several million different denominations of religious philosophy. Read More
Throughout the Bible we see the presence of these spiritual societies, many of them being Christian religious institutions or human organizations and enterprises, built on the idea of finding and knowing the one true God.
How can anyone be sure that their own particular brand of Christianity is the authentic true church that Jesus established, the only true entrance into the presence of God in the present age and into eternal life in the hereafter?
Sunday February 16th 11.00AM ontheRock
Next week...

"How to walk in the power of the Spirit"
Consummed by Fire ―the Bible tells us “God is a consuming fire.” In particular the Holy Spirit is repeatedly typified by fire throughout the Bible. As He departed for the throne at the right hand of God, Jesus according to His promise sent the Holy Spirit to be poured out on all of the Church. Read More
When the Holy Sprit arrived, the symbol of the Spirit was a consuming fire and it appeared on everyone of God’s children who were present at the time.
Ac 2:3-4 “Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and [one] sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.” Stop trying to defeat the enemy in your strength and learn how to ignite the fire of the Sprit in your life.
Sunday February 23rd 11.00AM ontheRock
Course Overview
The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God or even come to God. Those who have any understanding of Christian theology know that the only one single absolute requisite of God for an individual to get to heaven is faith alone. In other words, God requires many things from man, but the one Read More

Autumn Semester '24
The only true Christian life is the Spirit-led life. Everything in the believer’s life is a product of the Holy Spirit from beginning to end. It all begins with what Jesus called the new birth. “Jesus answered, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God’” (John 3:5). When an individual hears the word of God and accepts it into his heart, he becomes a member of a completely new race, born of the Holy Spirit. This person is regenerated by the Spirit and given the nature of God. Everything from this point on is a matter of learning to walk in, or be led by, the Holy Spirit, who is in perfect harmony with God and God’s written word, the Bible. Read More

Outreach to Hospitals
Join forces with us to extend a warm meal and the love of Christ to the hungry and hurting. The last Saturday of every month at 7.00pm, Misiones La Roca provides guidance, prayer, and en encouraging word to Chihuahua’s sick and hungry families. For more information, call 614 108 6464.

Outreach & Seminar Baja 25
Holy week 2025―Spend the Holy Week at an outreach and seminar at Mulegé BCS, April 13-20 ’25 and get to know our Baja Virtual Church as well as gain a deeper Read More

Mission Trips to IVR-San Rafael
Next trip March 7-9 ’25 – Located 20 minutes from beautiful Divisadero, San Rafael Victory Church is ideal for a mission trip. Activities include evangelism, medical outreach to rural areas, mountain biking, hiking, and much more.
Outreach San Rafael 24
July 26-28―The ministry segment of this team included leading a Sunday service which included leading the worship service and preaching the message, conducting a baptismal service, personally ministering to all church members, assisting with the construction Read More
TEAM MEMBERS – Karen Reyes, Dany Gutierrez, Yulin Vazquez, Vicky Santillanes, Miriam Carreon, Lydia Belmontes, Samuel Gutierrez and son, and Lupita Rivera
Thank you again, Step-by-step images below, Dlb 🙏

Planted in the house of the Lord
The Chihuahua campus is turning green! Get involved, your help is needed! Adopt a tree for free and join the fun, planting seeds in good soil and turning the grounds green. More information in the Sunday announcements.
Contact: Nancy Loya cell.614 196 1951
ver más imagines, haga click aquí: https://iglesiavictoriaenlaroca.com/proyecto-verde/

About the Author
Known for keen insights and profound revelation into sound doctrine, Jonathan says that in his case true learning of scripture never began until he had completed an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies and a Bachelor in Pastoral Ministries. The greatest avenue of learning has come from the Spirit, the trials of Christian life & reading Read More
Online Courses
Coming soon ―quality online Christian education accessible to all. We are working hard to introduce several online courses this year, including a free introductory course and other free Bible resources. Click on the image for more information.
Virtual Church

Online & in person
Course Overview
The Spirit Led Life―The only true Christian life is the Spirit led life. Everything in the life of the believer is a product of the Holy Spirit from the beginning to the end. Read More

Hot off the press!
Why is God and the Bible so difficult to understand? All of the Christian life; understanding, living and doing God’s will; is actually the simplest and most bless thing in the world. Everything in the Bible comes down to one thing, and so simple its mind boggling. It comes back to the 2nd chapter of the Bible, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. Learn how you can literally fix everything in the world and in your life in incredibly simple step.

At first glance, most people immediately notice there is something different. We feel what we are doing is not only different, it is revolutionary. Why?…
We are not focused on the head, merely on the intellect, like the other 99.9%. Our material is focused on the heart. Our content registers in the heart, what the Bible calls the spirit of man. A primary example of this is the Bible. The Bible does not Read More
As you delve into the content presented on this site, don’t evaluate it the way you do everything else, don’t analyze it intellectually. Listen to it with the ears of your heart and take note of what it is producing, not in the mind, but deep within your inner man, where it really counts. Life proceeds out of the spirit, not out of the mind.
“Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it [spring] the issues of life.” Proverbs 4.23

Reign in Life ―everyone has heard of the goodness and abundance of God, but few experience it in the bump and grind of everyday life. Read More
Click here to Read Blog https://ljonathanblais.substack.com/p/reign-in-life
“It’s time to live in the fulness of life Christ came to give you”
The Words of This Live Volume 1— every morning a new day dawns bringing with it a unique set of challenges and circumstances, requiring faith and wisdom to meet its needs. Read More