About the Author

Known for keen insights and profound revelation into sound doctrine, Jonathan says that in his case true learning of scripture never began until he had completed an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies and a Bachelor in Pastoral Ministries. The greatest avenue of learning has come from the Spirit, the trials of Christian life & reading Read More

Online Courses

Coming soon ―quality online Christian education accessible to all. We are working hard to introduce several online courses in the new year, including a free introductory course and other free Bible resources. Click on the image for more information.

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Virtual Church

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This week...

“Discovering God’s Plan for your Life”

The Hope of Your Calling ―God has a divine purpose and destiny for each one of His children. It’s not enough to have a vision and plan for success. True happiness and security and only be achieved by discovering God’s motives and cooperating with Him.Read More

Next week...

“Disarming Satan’s favorite tactic”

While Men Slept ―the enemy of the souls of men is not as powerful as he is cunning. Scripture tells us to not be ignorant of the devil’s tactics, and his most damaging strategy is to catch you sleeping while you should be vigilantly guarding your most precious possession, your heart.Read More

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Outreach & Seminar Baja 25

Holy week 2025―Spend the Holy Week at an outreach and seminar at Mulegé BCS, April 11-20 ’25 and get to know our Baja Virtual Church as well as gain a deeper Read More

Coming this Fall

Course Overview

The Spirit Led Life―The only true Christian life is the Spirit led life. Everything in the life of the believer is a product of the Holy Spirit from the beginning to the end. Everything begins with what Jesus called the new birth. Read More

Hot off the press!

Why is God and the Bible so difficult to understand? All of the Christian life; understanding, living and doing God’s will; is actually the simplest and most bless thing in the world. Everything in the Bible comes down to one thing, and so simple its mind boggling. It comes back to the 2nd chapter of the Bible, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. Learn how you can literally fix everything in the world and in your life in incredibly simple step.

  • Only One Sin

    “Entering into the victory of Christ over sin & darkness” Sin is a product of one’s spiritual state. In the garden of Eden, God created man sinless, and Adam remained free of sin until he was separated from God, which is what the Bible calls spiritual death. ~ “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” […]

  • Breaking Depression

    “How to heal your heart and mind and live in perfect peace” Jesus said, ~ ‘Let Not your Heart be Troubled,’ today we will see how to live free from depression. Depression has become the scourge of modern society, where people are daily forced to confront moral depravity, betrayal, and the disintegration of the family, while being bombarded with a heartless inhumane social dystopia driven by free market capitalism. We live in a cold-hearted ‘dog eat dog’ world, and when push comes to […]

  • Discovering the Divine Nature

    “The key to authentic Christianity” Real Christianity is not about trying to do things that are pleasing to God. It is not about ‘does’ and ‘don’ts.’ It’s far beyond that. Actually, trying to be a ‘do-gooder’ is ignoring Jesus, the Cross, and the entire New Testament. Real Christians, instead of doing good; die, are reborn, and then mature into partakers of the ‘divine nature,’ which puts them far beyond a simple do-gooder. These chosen individuals have been regenerated, […]

At first glance, most people immediately notice there is something different. We feel what we are doing is not only different, it is revolutionary. Why?…


We are not focused on the head, merely on the intellect, like the other 99.9%. Our material is focused on the heart. Our content registers in the heart, what the Bible calls the spirit of man. A primary example of this is the Bible. The Bible does not Read More


“Taking your place on the throne at the right hand of God”

Reign in Life ―everyone has heard of the goodness and abundance of God, but few experience it in the bump and grind of everyday life. Read More

“It’s time to live in the fulness of life Christ came to give you”
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The Words of This Live Volume 1— every morning a new day dawns bringing with it a unique set of challenges and circumstances, requiring faith and wisdom to meet its needs. Read More

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